B3X Boston to Springfield's & Spalding

Starting on the 14th November 2022
B3X Starts 14th November 2022.
It's been asked for so we've done it.
Starting on the 14th November 2022 we will be running a service to Springfields from Boston Bus Station via, Wyberton, Kirton & Sutterton into Springfield's and then to Spalding Bus Station.
It is routed along Station Road in Sutterton to enable those needing access to Sutterton Roundabouts facilities, shops, restaurants and of course the Vets, a brand new option.
The B3X will only operate on School Days Only whilst we understand how many people want to use it and if it proves successful, we plan to operate it throughout the year.
We genuinely hope that this will bring residents what they need in terms of shopping options, day trips and of course employment travel opportunities - especially in the run ups to Christmas.